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Date Published: May 28, 2013

Shameless. Flaunting their courage, beauty, and their determination to share their unique skills and make a difference in the World. Last week I participated in the two day Women’s Success Summit in the artsy Wynwood neighborhood of Miami. The theme of this event was Shameless Self-Promotion and I believe you will love the 11 lessons I learned.

1) Brand Yourself and Make them Beg

Fresh and authentic, Michelle Villalobos (@ MiVi – founder of the Summit) started off the event with her keynote speech. She is a specialist in Personal Branding and shared how we must leverage our unique skills to be top of mind in that area of expertise. Identify what makes us unique, brand ourselves and protect it. We can either brand ourselves or the world will brand us. Her message was convincing and I’m now a student of their Make Them BEG program. Just wait!

2) Remove fear

‘To brand yourself, you must first understand yourself’, says Denise Jacobs (@DeniseJacobs), a Creativity Evangelist, speaker and author. There is fear of uniqueness, fear of being completely who we are, and fear of failure. Subtle fears of perfection, procrastination, and busyness. All these fears create blocks to our creativity. Her most prominent message for me was: Danger is very real. Fear is a choice. She encouraged us to find our flow state and be joyfully shameless.

3) Deliver your Natural Talents

Jody Johnson is co-owner, President and Master Coach at ActionCOACH. She explained that when we find our strengths and focus on our natural talents, we have an unlimited capacity. When we are in our natural flow and create a team that complements our strengths we can achieve extraordinary results with confidence and energy. Then it becomes easy to shamelessly self-promote. I found my strengths at The Gallup Strengths Center and so can you!

4) Focus on the 3 P’s

A peak performance Strategist for Tony Robbins in the past, Mina Shah (@MightyMinaShah) delivered her message with impact. PURPOSE: Infuse your purpose in what you are. Walk. Talk. Live Life with Purpose. PERMISSION: Give yourself permission to succeed before you are ready. PRACTICE: Get better at what you do with practice, that makes the master. If we are ready for change we can look at our strengths, put ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, set a big hairy goal to step outside our comfort zone and look at fear in the eye.

5) Reprogram the mind

Jennifer Grace (@BeHereGrace) is the Resident Dream Coach at The Standard Hotel in Miami. She shared how in the middle of the pendulum there is a place of power and confidence. Our authentic self. We are full of limiting negative believes and we can reprogram the mind with affirmations. I would love her to get my free app to set an intention or vision everyday. She recommended faking it until we make it. We must believe in ourselves!

6) Develop a social media strategy and content Google loves

Pamela Starr (@PamelaStarrFL), the Constant Contact Area Director for the Southeastern US, gave us powerful insights into how to Shamelessly spread our message. The best source of business is existing customers so referrals are key. Learn how people find out about our business. Subject lines are very important: send out short and catchy titles. Have brand consistency throughout our social media. Articles are a good way to build credibility, be strategic about adding key works for google to pick up. Use bullet points and include the benefits for people, people want valuable information. Email newsletters are huge so getting email addresses are critical. Offer something in exchange for their email. The amazing tips went on…

7) Look like a Million to Make a Million

Geri Satin (@GeriSatin) is the founder of Satin Consulting and shared her techniques on image consulting. She says our image is continously at work, the goal is to have it work for, not against us. She explained how our skin tone can look healthier with certain colors and the do’s and don’ts of wardrobe. Tailoring is always a fantastic idea. She recommended workwear ‘cojones’ for those that want to rule at work! Go Geri!

8) Self Impose Deadlines

Badass Businesswomen founder and Make them Beg co-founder Jessica Kizorek (@JessicaKizorek) shared her secret to success. She started day two with a big bang: The date is the impetus to figure things out! She encouraged us to grab our calendars and set a self-imposed deadline for one thing we need to accomplish. Not in one month. By the end of next week. NOW. We all have a message the world desperately needs to hear. I’m working on updating my Tell Your Angel app (soon to be called FocusHERE) by this Friday on iTunes… now I need my wonderful developer to see this. ; O

9) Video content to make an emotional connection

Share Ross (@ShareRoss), formerly in the band Vixen, brought her Rock Star energy to teach us how to shamelessly unleash our inner rock star through video. She explained that it’s not about us; ultimately it’s about how the client feels. Have a conversation on camera, talk to one person and share a story! She invited us to kiss a$$ with what we have and make it work now. The whole audience pulled out their smartphones and recorded themselves saying: “I shoot for passion, not for perfection. I’m a video rock star”. Finish with a call to action? Follow me on my raw and inspired blog Pushing My Boundaries or download my free Apps here. That would be me. ; )

10) Be passionate

Ingrid Hoffman (@SimplyIngrid) was simplemente deliciosa as she came up on stage, completely raw and down to earth. She hosts cooking programs on the Food Network and on Galavision. She recommends having a flight path and loving where we are. We need focus, passion and hard work! When she was reinventing herself she told her dad “I don’t know how realistic it is, but that’s what I’m going to do”.

11) Playing Small is No Longer an Option

Eli Davidson (@elidavidsonf2f) came on stage shining bright ready to make everyone stand up and dance with her to Diamond, rock star Rihanna’s song. She invites us to target the people who we are solving a problem for and those who have money. Her recommendation is to do something to be seen and heard. Playing small is no longer an option!

There were many more amazing speakers and panelists in the summit. I’m grateful to everyone who so willingly shared their experiences and knowledge. As an explorer of consciousness and mindful entrepreneur, I embrace a healthy business environment where we connect and inspire each other to share our unique skills and make a positive impact in the World. Inspire your friends and share this post!!

Love, light and laughter!


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